
Manufacturer of Out-of-this-World Chocolate We are a family-run, purely Czech chocolate factory from North Moravia. In making our chocolate, we strictly use only basic ingredients. Chocolate semi-finished products are taboo for us. Practically every cocoa bean passes through our hands; we carefully inspect and sort them. We choose the most complex and at the same time the most adventurous path, and we are proud of it. From bean to bar. Bean To Bar.

Manufacturer of Out-of-this-World Chocolate

We are a family-run, purely Czech chocolate factory from North Moravia.

In making our chocolate, we strictly use only basic ingredients. Chocolate semi-finished products are taboo for us. Practically every cocoa bean passes through our hands; we carefully inspect and sort them.

We choose the most complex and at the same time the most adventurous path, and we are proud of it. From bean to bar. Bean To Bar.
